The diary of a .NET Developer, working on an unlaunched startup project. Also, I live and work in Southern Oregon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Website Finished and What's Next?

Website Finished
Great news! The website I have been working on for the past 6 months is finished enough to go live. So where is it? It's sitting on the server waiting for official content from my business partner.

So, it's done but not live yet.

What's Next?
I started reading (and coding) through this book: Beginning iPhone Development with great success. I'm half way through in 2 days.

I do have an iPhone app in mind, but I'm not sure I can build it as easily as I think. I promised myself a two weeks to go through that book and I'll see how I feel at that point.

If I do decide to go for it, I'll also be building a server component using Google App Engine.

My alternative is to try for some freelance work to get some income going. I'll keep you posted on both the real launch and my next phase in project dev.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Crunch Time

It's crunch time on my project. I finally have list of things to finish and also did a pretty good job of estimating each task. Entering this into fogbugz gives me a launch date of Marth 14th.

I'm working hard to get this done.

I expect just to have the site up and running to see if any interest is out there. It's not perfect and their is plenty of parts that I would like to make better, but 've spent a lot longer than I wanted to on this project so far.

Particularly, the UI is going to need some improvement, but I'm hoping it will do for now.

See you on the other side!